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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sony E3 Press Conference Grade

Last year Sony easily won E3 thanks to Microsoft's terrible E3 and they did an excellent job showing off the PS4. Sony talked about how the PS4 was a games console for gamers and that it could play used games and didn't have always online DRM and all that other crap. They did a fantastic job showing off the PS4. The amazing E3 showing propelled the PS4 into first place where it remains over half a year later .

Last year was focused on the PS4 itself, but this year Sony needed to focus on exclusive games for the PS4. Read on to see how they did this year:

First the good:

Sony first showed Destiny which is not exclusive to PS4. However its going to look better and will have exclusive content on PS4. They announced a PS4 Destiny bundle which will release September 9th. They showed some other third party games as well such as GTA 5 (yep it's coming to next gen consoles) an awesome gameplay trailer for Batman Arkham Knight, the first gameplay trailer for Mortal Kombat X and more. As CEO Andrew House mentioned, all these games will either have exclusive content or will look better on PS4 (or both).

Now I know what you're thinking, "Microsoft showed a bunch a third party games too and you complained like crazy"! Yes I did, but unlike Microsoft, these games have significant advantages on PS4. Besides looking better there is some really cool exclusive content for some of these games. For example Far Cry 4 has a really cool feature on Playstation: you can invite your friends to play online with you even if you don't have the game. Pretty cool eh? I hope other games will take a page from Far Cry 4 here.

Although they showed some third party games, Sony's E3 press conference was mostly about exclusive PS4 games. They showed an impressive gameplay trailer for The Order 1886 and announced that it will release February 15th. Entwined is the game the new Sony studio, Pixelplus has been working on. It looks very unique and gorgeous. Entwined is available right now on PS4. They made a surprise announcement of a really big PS4 exclusive coming November 14th that made the crowd go nuts: LittleBigPlanet 3 for PS4. They had 4 people playing the game on stage. You can tell they were having a blast with the game. It was easily the most impressive showing for any game at any press conference this year at E3. Sony announced a brand new IP for PS4 called Bloodborne (previously known as "Project Beast") by the creators of the Souls games. They showed a gameplay trailer of the infinite (yes thats right its infinite) open world sci-fi space exploration game No Man's Sky for PS4. There were some other surprise announcements such as Magicka 2: Learn To Spell and a new IP called Let It Die (both for PS4). They also showed abzu, a beautiful looking game for PS4 by Giant Squid Games and led by the art director of Journey.

Sony showed some more cool stuff besides games. PS Now will have a open beta on PS4 July 31st. Over 100 PS3 games will be playable including Dead Space 3 and Ultra Street Fighter 4. PS Vita TV will be coming to the US at $99 (it will be called Playstation TV here though). There will also be a bundle that includes a Dualshock 3 controller, a memory card and Lego The Movie Game. They showed off some other cool stuff as well such as a new TV series based on the comic book series Powers and some more cool stuffs.

Sony ended the press conference on a high note by showing a trailer for the new Uncharted, Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End. Uncharted 4 will have Nathan drake as the main character and looks like this is going to be the conclusion to his story. It is sure to be one of the biggest if not the biggest game of 2015.

Now for the bad:

My main complaint is that Sony showed next to nothing for the PS Vita. Many people including myself were hoping for a new AAA game for the Vita but that didn't happen.

Although Sony announced the open beta for PS Now they didn't say much about when the full thing is going to launch or anything about pricing for the service.  Sony also didn't say much about Project Morpheus.

Most of the third party games they showed were impressive and have cool exclusive features and look better on PS4. Unfortunately some of them, like Dead Island 2 for instance, looked like crap and they didn't say much about how it would be better on Playstation.

Sony had a very good E3 showing. Although the Vita didn't get much attention, they showed a ton of impressive PS4 exclusive games and had a great press conference overall.

Grade B

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