Rime, (originally known as Echoes of Siren) by the independent company Tequila Works based in Spain, is now going to be a PS4 exclusive because Microsoft didn't want it. The game was going to be a Xbox exclusive but Microsoft doesn't care about single player games, indie games or anything that has a bit of creativity. They hate games like Journey, Flower, Sound Shapes etc. I'm not making this up. The CEO of Tequila Works explained why it's not coming to Xbox:
"Then the Xbox One plans were announced and everything changed. The people at Microsoft say the game doesn't fit in the strategy of the new console, that they are looking for "connected experiences"
and the social factor. Rime didn't fit because it was a single player game, a very traditional game experience."
I'm sure if it was online only, had a bunch of guns, shooting and blood everywhere Microsoft would have snatched it up in heartbeat.
Here is a trailer for Rime: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=V-JunUax8xg
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